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Augma Biomaterials flagship novel product is premade composite graft formulation of biphasic calcium sulfate cement matrix with hydroxyapatite granules in a controlled particles size distribution.
Bond Apatite® is a cement-based, osteoconductive composite, mineral bone substitute that is used for bone reconstruction and regeneration in the maxillofacial and dental alveolar applications and is intended for filling, augmenting and reconstructing a broad range of bone defects.
Bond Apatite® is composed of 2 matrices which have different absorption coefficients and characteristics. The first matrix is a patented biphasic calcium sulfate which is absorbed and replaced completely with the patient’s own bone. The second matrix is a formula of hydroxyapatite granules which serves as a longer range space maintainer. The product guarantees minimal invasive surgical procedure, reduced treatment time and convenient manipulation of the graft material for the clinician and his patients., due to the product’s unique nature and the specially designed syringe. In less than a minute the entire graft placement and stabilization can be achieved, even in the most challenging situations. No membrane may be used with Bond Apatite® during the grafting procedures.

- Minimally invasive surgical protocol
- Easier and faster application – All-in-One Syringe
- Transforms into the patient's own bone
- Enhance the healing with higher predictability
- No membrane
- Reduced chair time
- Great value
3D Bond™ is a patented unique graft binder cement made of pure biphasic calcium sulfate and represents a breakthrough in the field of maxillofacial augmentation.
3D Bond™ is the only bone cement of its type that sets within a short time after being placed, even in the presence of blood and saliva – characteristic unique in the oral cavity. 3D Bond™ is completely resorbed and replaced within 4-10 weeks; the exact amount of time required for bone regeneration. The result is a complete conversion from the graft material to the patient’s own bone within the shortest, most optimal time period. Therefore, by itself it is the ultimate grafting solution for socket preservation procedures.
3D Bond™ is extremely bio-compatible, and the development of 3D Bond™ was motivated by a strong clinical need to significantly simplify and streamline the variety of complex augmentation processes. The aim being to reduce both the work and recovery times, while enhancing the healing and the quality of bone regeneration at the lesion site.
These advantages are offered at a great value, allowing treatment availability to maximum number of patients.

- Ease of use and simplicity
- Biocompatible
- Replaced 100% by the patient’s own bone
- Resorption Time between 4-10 weeks
- No membrane is required